a beautiful baking blog



Today I was wondering what to bake for my son to take with him on his trip. I thought I would make some good old reliable chocolate chip cookies, nothing fancy, no special ingredients. As they were baking I was thinking about how these classic favorites- the old stand-bys of cookie making have brought so much joy to children young and old for so many years! There is something very comforting about smelling freshly baked cookies and looking in a cookie jar and seeing it filled to the brim.

So once the chocolate chip cookies were in the oven, I thought “how about some peanut butter cookies?” Once you gather your ingredients, it really is so easy to transition from one cookie to the next. You get into a groove, and before you know it, you have baked dozens and dozens of simply delicious cookies.

One thing led to another, and I added Snickerdoodles to the cookie baking assembly line. I can still remember the very first time I ever ate a homemade Snickerdoodle and fell in love with the name first and then the classic flavor!

So here are the recipes for the Classic Three! Happy Baking! Make some memories and spread the joy!

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