a beautiful baking blog


Frisky Whiskey Apple Pie

I love making pies. I started making pies from scratch when we lived abroad. We didn’t have a lot of convenience foods, ready made pie crusts, or nice selections of canned fruit pie fillings- so I figured that I needed to learn to make pies from scratch. Fast forward 30 years and probably 1000 pies later….I have this mild obsession with making a First place, blue ribbon-winning apple pie at the Arizona State Fair. Each year I come up with what I think is a sure winner, and each year I come away with a second place, or third place finish. This obsession is what led me to starting this blog. I just received a notification that the fair is ON this year, so I am experimenting around with this year’s Blue Ribbon Entry! For almost a month, I can think I have the best Apple Pie in Arizona. Whether it ends ups being the best or the next best thing, I know you will love this Whiskey Apple Pie! Believe it or not, I don’t even like Whiskey, but I love the smell. This pie has such a wonderful flavor and served warm or cold, it is sure to delight your family and your friends!

This video shows Whiskey Apple Pie #2. I was just making it again to make sure it was as good as I remembered! You know how sometimes you remember things better than they actually were. (And this pie is the best apple pie I have ever had!). Anyway, right after I put the top crust (lattice) on top, my husband and I decided to go paddle boarding…….so, I decided to pop this into the freezer and bake it when we got home. Results are in: still the best apple pie!!!! And we didn’t even put ice cream on top! Try it, you are going to love it!!!

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