a beautiful baking blog


Old Fashioned Custard Pie

Sometimes there is nothing more comforting than a slice of your favorite pie. Have you ever eaten something that brings so many wonderful memories rushing back to you with each bite? Or maybe it is the smell of a pie while it is baking?

My mother (who turned 90 this past summer) and I were just talking about food the other day. She said she is having trouble eating because nothing tastes good to her right now. I asked if there was anything I could make for her, any particular craving that she has, anything that sounds tasty. She mentioned this pie- this custard pie. She sent me on a scavenger hunt through her cookbooks and recipe files until I found the one that she used to make. I actually remembered this pie, even though it has been probably 40 years since I have tasted it.

This used to be a staple at diners and at cafeterias and I think it was through this pie that I developed a love of custards and puddings. As this was baking, it brought back memories of eating this pie with my Grandmother at a diner in Oklahoma when I was a little girl. Funny how smells can make you feel good, feel loved. This is for you Mom, hope you feel loved with every bite!

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