a beautiful baking blog


The BEST Blueberry Peach Pie!

I know that I always say this one is one of my favorites!! But….this IS one of my favorites! This is why I started this blog….I love pie. I love all kinds of pie. My absolute favorite pie is the one that is in my fridge at that moment in time! Ha Ha! (not far from the truth!)

This one smells so good as it is cooking and I love peeking into the oven and seeing the beautiful purple juice bubbling up through the crust. When I see all of that juice bubbling out, it makes me happy. (Just make sure you always use a drip pan to catch that juice- otherwise you won’t be happy when it comes time to clean it out of your oven- it’s a little sticky and burns very quickly!)

this pie is as beautiful to look at as it is delicious to eat!

Using the fondant roller on the pie crust was a first for me. I like pretty and frilly things and wanted the crust to look more delicate. I love the way it turned out. To finish the pie, I brushed it with beaten egg before baking so it would have that beautiful golden brown color.

A beautiful blend of flavor and colors….

I used the Double Crust Butter Crust pie recipe that is on this website. It really pairs nicely with this pie. Let me know how this pie works out for you!

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